Internal Quality Assurance Cell is an administrative body responsible for all quality matters. It initiates, plans and supervises various activities that are necessary to increase the quality of education. It also aims at maintaining quality standards in teaching, learning and evaluation.


The college has a body of IQAC to improve the academic and administrative performance of the institution. It also helps to promote and measure institutional functioning towards quality enhancement. The cell monitors academic and administrative activities of the institution by preparing and submitting Annual Quality Assurance Report (AQAR) as per guidelines and parameters of NAAC.



NameDesignationPositionContact No.
Dr. Sandhya Kaveri KPrincipalChairman9480034495
Dr. Archana Bhat KAssociate ProfessorConvenor9632658450
Ms. Reshma AAsst. ProfessorCo-Convenor9481014554
Mr. Mohan Kumar RAsst. ProfessorMember8123459718
Dr. SukeerthiAsst. ProfessorMember8861241052
Mr. Manjunath Swami SAsst. ProfessorMember9845014229
Dr. Prasad LAsst. ProfessorMember9845288934
Mr. Mangesh S PaiAsst. ProfessorMember9880524125
Mr. Prashanth A TAsst. ProfessorMember7406099572
Dr. Pavithra C GAsst. ProfessorMember9743665083
Ms. Gowrishree H OAsst. ProfessorMember7760556266
Mr. Ganesha HChief LibrarianMember7899862411
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