Rules and regulations:
- Poster Making: Digital Poster/Hand Made Poster
- Theme: “Mental health is a Universal Human Right”
- Both e Posters and Hand made posters accepted
- Size A3
- Freestyle allowed, any medium any material as long as it is following the theme
- E Poster and Scanned copies of hand made posters to be mailed to [email protected]
- Name of the student,class, college and phone number to be mentioned in the mail
- Last date of submission : 13.10.23
- Reels making competition
- Theme: “Positivity and happiness”
- Should be 90 seconds long original creation max 25 MB
- Language : Kannada and/or English
- Any offensive, name-calling, derogatory remarks, and/or regional slang towards any person or community should not be used.
- Should be tagged to @kapmi.smg
- All reels to be mailed to [email protected]
- Last date of submission : 15.10.23
- Quiz on Mental Health
- Opens on 11/10/23 at 8.00 AM and closes on 15/10/23 at 5 PM
- On line certificates for all participants
- Quiz Link : https://forms.gle/BgPCDyvoQgWwigJT9
General Rules and regulations
- Certificates of Achievement
- Competitions open to all UG students
- Participants are to submit posters and reels to [email protected]
Participants must adhere to the specified theme in their entries and provide accurate contact information for communication.
The organizing committee’s decision will be binding in disputes
Join watts app group for complete details : https://chat.whatsapp.com/IjhxZMxmLQeIgOWym9W67Z
or visit: https://kapmc.kapmi.edu.in/events/