Invitation to write Book Review
Writing book review is an important academic and literary-critical activity. Some of the best known writings in many fields have first appeared as reviews. Book Reviews in prestigious journals are greatly valued by scholars.
KAPMI LIBRARY is initiating a programme to motivate students from degree colleges to learn the art and craft of writing book reviews. If you are interested in learning the skill of reviewing please join the programme.
We intend to share the book reviews and award prizes once in each semester. We also intend to bring out the award winning reviews in book form.
How to Write a Review.
- Read the book you have selected carefully, preferably twice.
- Collect Information about the author and the book from reliable sources.
- Make your notes when you are reading.
- Write down your impressions before drafting the review.
- Begin by introducing the book focusing on the area /field and give a brief description in a few sentences.
- Avoid biographical details of the author. Avoid exaggerated descriptions such as great/greatest etc. But you can briefly mention one or some of the author’s other books if they are related to the book under review.
- Introduce the book to the reader its form, nature, chapters or divisions, main theme etc.
- Avoid summary of the book. Instead state clearly what the book deals with, its significance and its contribution.
- Avoid first person impressions in the statements such as ‘I feel,’ I think’. You are of course free to present your views on the book.
- Take care to see that your review becomes a readable essay.
- For models read reviews in reputed magazine and journals.
- If you are interested you can register by yourself using this link. Book Review- Registration Form
- Join the WhatsApp Group using this link : Book Review
- You can follow KAPMI Library Website for dates DDMMYYY of submission, communication, short listed reviews and display on website or blog.
- Select a book of your choice in any area/discipline.
- Based on your first hand reading of the book you will be required to write a review of about 400 words and send a soft copy to the librarian KAPMI with your name and details.
- Do not use unacknowledged material. The writing should be your own.
- Begin by providing publication details of the book you are reviewing. Use the model suggested.
- Read the suggestions given below for writing a good review and follow them.
- Reviews can be in Kannada or English
- Type neatly using Times New Roman fonts for English, Nudi-05 font for Kannada, font size 13 with double line spacing and provide a list of reference if any.